Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Road

Weight of darkness teased by scents of light. What was the purpose? To get there. Oh. So there is a reason for the journey? Sure. Okay. I just wondered. Oh. Literary feet wrapped in metaphor. Coughing over the tyranny of the road. Footprints in ashes vanishing with each step. Wondering. Breathing Papa’s protection underneath the evil smelling blanket. Are we going to die? Not today. Maybe soon? Maybe. Okay.

I loved the discussion. I loved the style of the writing. I hated the story. With a structure unlike any I’ve ever experienced, Cormac McCarthy masterfully sequences a compelling tenderness within a wicked journey by a father and his son in an apocalyptic tomorrow. No names, short sentences and plotless, It was grayscale punctuated by explosions of literary grandeur, each one a new siren leaping at you and almost instantly evaporating leaving you breathless, and seducing you into the hunt for the next. Rick, is it one you’d recommend? Of course. Okay.

Thursday, July 05, 2007


We had a great dinner last night. Carrie & Jason and the boys, Denis, Daniel & Mandy. Usual craziness with a 4-year-old and almost-2-year-old. Lots of rice on the floor. Maybe we should ixne on the pomegranate seeds in the salad? Several pieces under the table on the white carpet; not so pretty - and not so easily removed (until I busted out the Pure Erase:-). Chuck and LaFonda would be proud.

What was really cool was our discussion over the meal about community. Seems everyone wants to experience it, but no one is really sure what it looks like. The questions revolved around whether it might be a physical thing . . . or might it be a spiritual and/or emotional thing as well. One of the items had to do with being in a safe place where people can speak into your life. It's something that doesn't happen often or easily. It takes time. It takes risking. We talked about how living in close proximity allows for people to share both their stuff and lives more easily. I do know that whatever it is . . . Sherry and I want in!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The Long Beach Armada

My hunch is that your first response is NOT, “What a cool name for a baseball team.” Nonetheless, that is exactly what it is – a semi-pro baseball team whose home park is Blair Field in downtown Long Beach. We were treated to a special game tonight, in which the Armada defeated the Orange County Flyers in a come-from-behind victory. You’d think that fantastic offense and dazzling defense are what made the event special. Not even close; it was the announcement between the 8th and 9th innings, “We’re sorry to inform you that due to City Noise regulations, we will start the fireworks show . . . right now. We’ll finish the game after the fireworks!” It was 9:55 pm and the game wasn’t done – but the fireworks had to be complete before 10:00 pm. A few seconds later, the fireworks started – all the lights still on in the stadium – and at 9:59, the fireworks show was done. 4 stunning minutes of pyrotechnics muzzled by stadium lights. End of evening, right? Hardly. Still one more inning to go!

There has to be a message here. Maybe something about planning? Or about things not ending up quite like you thought they would? Or perhaps its nothing more than a reminder that at times, life is absolutely hilarious and the unexpected is what gives life such texture and flavor. Drink it up.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Mission, Vision, Values

Wow! What a mouthful. So we spent time on working out what the Mission and Vision might say - and now we're working on articulating the values that define the Mission and Vision. Wait a minute! Isn't that a little backward? I thought values define Mission and Vision. Seems like we got just a bit out of sync here. I think what might be appropriate is to really define the key values - and then see how the Mission and Vision flow out of them.

I actually think this is a wonderful process for our church. So far, this is what it looks like:

Mission Statement:

A Community of the New Creation, living out of the gospel, for the flourishing of all

Vision Statement:

Catalyzing a global movement of the gospel that begins by impacting 40,000 people with the gospel by 2015.

I like the Mission statement. I'm so-so on the vision statement. One change I'd make to the Mission statement is to take the "of" out of the phrase, "living out of the gospel," changing it to "living out the gospel." The first seems a bit passive - the latter more active.

I really like the global aspect of the Mission statement. Uganda (or Burkina Faso) is just a bit more global than simply Long Beach or LA. Can I get an Amen here?